Websites that Support Intellectual Freedom in Libraries

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Websites that support intellectual freedom in libraries

Website title- Intellectual Freedom Blog

Description- This website is a blog that belongs to ALA. It provides current news on issues regarding intellectual freedom in libraries.

Reasons- This website is especially helpful for librarians and its main goal is to educate the public on the importance of intellectual freedom in libraries.

Website title- National Coalition Against Censorship

Description- NCAC is made up of 50 non-profit organizations that work towards educating the public on the dangers of censorship and how to defend intellectual freedom.

Reasons- This website is for both the public and librarians and it focuses primarily on the issues of censorship which is the other side of intellectual freedom.

Website title- Freedom Forum Institute

Description- This website is dedicated to support free press, free speech and free spirit for our citizens.

Reason- I have included this website in the list because the organization offers educational programs that touch on current issues that affect the democracy of our society- libraries thrive in democracy.

Website: Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Url -

Description- This is a non-profit organization that its dedicated on preserving the first amendment rights of comic books. It also includes case files of censorship attempts in which the organization has participates as first amendment advocates.

Reasons- Many academic libraries have comic book collections and this website can offer support in case censorship happens.


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